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After all this research and finishing my dissertation it means i can now focus on more studio work, before my research I was mainly sketching and collaging. Polly Morgan amongst others has inspired me to change from sketching to more installation like work, or to atleast change my use in materials.

It also made me think about my love of the materials i intended to use. I then realised I already have a large amount of fur ( recycled from coats from the 70’s) and I have antlers on my wall. So i clearly love the use of animals, so iu wont find it a problem using it within my art.

so I have ordered a fox skull that i would like to use within my work, perhaps inspired by Damiens Hirsts For the love of God. I have also ordered fox masks ( faces ) and glass eyes, This made me think about fitting these pieces togethre, they will all be different sizes, so they will not fit naturally, it will look muddled and messy, possibly much like Walter potters taxidermy, this could be an interesting effect.

I like the use of animals within art, ( providing no animals come to harm or suffer for the sake of the art) as it does make us question life and death , and also our own morality at the same time. I also like the use of animals as it hints at Britains strong culture of hunting too.