i’m much happier with the shape and have started to add the boards.


The crystal application is coming along peachy! I have worked out a technique and modified a pair of scissors which prevents the crystals blowing away. This has definitely increased production! i have covered approximately one third and am pleased with my progress.

My figurative work on the other hand…not so great! I have been assembling the head section without any real precision, going by eye rather than measurements and attaching pieces that seem to fit together. However I’m really not happy with how its looking at the moment, particularly the eyes and gas mask section. I have now taken these off and will continue working on it tomorrow.


Welllll…..What a pants idea that was! The crystal application is proving most crappy. I have burnt myself a number of times and dropped more crystals on the floor than I’ve managed to adhere to the copper, oooh….and its giving me a backache! The crystals are hot fix and i am using an embossing tool to heat them up in order for them to stick. In effect the embossing tool is no more than a hairdryer which just blows out hot air (very hot) because of this i have to hold the crystals onto the copper and quickly angle the tool over the crystal without it blowing away! This is proving to be extremely time consuming not to mention frustrating! It is coming along though…. I have moments when i think is it bloody worth it, it seems a pointless task when at certain angles the light bounces off the copper and the crystals are barely noticeable. But then i catch it at the right angle and it looks so beautiful,it is this which is pushing me to complete it.


The second piece i am working on at the moment is a piece inspired by Haim Steinbach. I removed some awesome components from the computers i was given and aim to display these without modification as with the work of Steinbach.These objects will sit on a copper shelf. The copper has a relief pattern formed from thousands of hexagons.I have decided to cover the entire ‘shelf’ to the centre of each hexagon with crystals. Firstly because i think it will look wicked and secondly because i know it will take alot of time and effort, it is this effort that will form the basis of the work.


At the moment i am working on two pieces of work with others still at the idea stage. The first piece is figurative and is a continuation of my previous work. I am constructing the figure from computer parts, at the moment i have used a plaster body which i cast last term. I may continue to use computer parts to form the body but this is dependent on how the head turns out. I still have quite a way to go before i have the framework completed, once this is complete i will cover the flat surfaces with copper boards and crystals.