I’m notoriously bad at keeping a diary, as it always seemed strange to me to record the often mundane events of a day. This, methinks, will be different.

This I will write in the way that I think; the way that my art is conceived. I will take you on that journey so you too can see the inner workings of my happily, creatively (seemingly) chaotic mind. I am not unusual – other than being as unique as any other artist. All I can do is share what it is to be the artistic me, which is, in fact, me; there’s not really much else.

I’ve begun the blog today for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, I didn’t see any point in starting a blog about my next big project until that project had begun. Of course, as a thinker in my own head (rather than yours), it’s all been kicking around there for months now; and there’s a little film to illustrate just what that series of activities will be – made last semester.

Since I made the aforementioned film, my plan has evolved, and taken-on its own life – which (given that it’s about life, seems entirely appropriate).

This being the first of my large quantity of posts here, I’ll just hint at what’s to come:-

We all live; we all die. In-between there are events, interactions with people and inanimate objects. Without each one of us, the world would not be the same. We are each a unique energy that manifests itself in a miriad of ways. What that life is in each case varies greatly.

My final piece for the degree is entitled ‘6ix Souls’, and is primarily about six personalities. Rather than looking at their lives, I will look at their deaths, and seek to express an essense of them, their energies, and the marks they made on the world which they will they will leave behind in the last moments just prior to passing.

At this stage, I have the whole artwork planned. It’s a plan that will yet see plenty of twists and turns. Life’s a long song, and death is the last line in the last verse …