Eyes. They say eyes are the door to your soul. Well, that is why I just cut the top half of the head on two of these images. I do think it’s true the eyes in general and in these images give a lot away, however I do think these images work alot better when they are whole. the image at the bottom is of my Mother, sister and my own eyes, I thought it would be quite interesting to see the comparison of the eyes of a Mother and her daughter’s.


These are a couple more images from my sketchbook where i was playing around they are a bit messy as they are in my sketchnook, but its just ot get my ideas down. I was seeing what it would look like having images of the same person in different stages of their life. This first one is of my sister, her as a child a new teenager and as an adult. It is interesting for me to see the progression of her image but also interesting to see if the viewer would make the comparison or just think that they are different people all together. The next image is of my Father. One of him at a young age and the other as an adult. I placed these together as there is a much larger gap in age with these two images so ahain the comparison is interesting.


After looking at Emin’s Photo Album and Andy Warhol’s Photo booth images, i have for the last few days been experimenting with mine, nothing final just placing images beside other ones, seeing how they work and cutting them up and playing with the compostions.

First i played around with simply seeing the effect of placing two of the same image beside one another, with coloured tacks around the side. I think this does simply double the impact almost giving a very light surreal effect, i like the parallel’s. Also with the second image presented of my brother. I dont feel as though this one works as much as the previous one with it being in colour and black and white. I feel as though the colour brings out the life and personality og the person potrayed where as black and white hides it.

This last image I do however think it works well this one especially reminds me of Andy Warhol’s work when he uses repitition. I think this one works in black and white as there is a lot of repitition, it brings an old quality and mystery to the piece. However I believe that it would also work in colour.


In 1963 Andy Warhol was comissioned to do an Art’s feature, this particular projected sparked a 3 year long obsession with photobooths. There was a collection released in 1989 by The Robert Miller Gallery of New York with pictures of himself, his friends and famous people form the time. the pictures are in unique format, oozing with nostalgia and wreaking with personality, I find them very fascinating.


my work right now has developed into a use of found objects and the prospect of what i do with them. For instance any little movement, size or colour can immediatley change the found object. I’ve had a fascination with these found photobooth passport pictures and playing around with their positioning their size and colour. The prospect of adding a different element is something i have have thought about and think i will try out. These pictures act as one a memory and a momentum, I’ve thought about placing the exact clothes worn in the pictures beside them, or other momentums from me and family members. the prospects intially could be endless.