In my project proposal presentation I said that I had two ideas of projects that I wanted to do this year. After spending some time in the studio painting I think I am starting to sway towards the idea I havent mentioned on here yet.

The second idea I had was different to the first one however since going into the studio and starting to paint again I think I will enjoy this project a lot more than the other one.

I enjoy working with paint and showing texture and colour and with the second idea I can show this in an abstract form exploring nature and the colours found in seascapes. Nature and colour have been an interest of mine within my work for a long time even though I have worked on other projects that would not of shown this I have always wanted to go back to this within my work and I think that I will enjoy creating work for my degree show that features these aspects.


In a previous project I looked at old photos and the journey through time of the people in these photos and how things evolved and changed. With this previous project i made screen prints and mono prints using the old photos.

This year I would like to expand that project, still using prints from old photos but maybe on a larger scale and using a wider range of images. Still using old family photos as well as possibly adding the images from old postcards.

An early idea I have had is as a lot of the photos that I have got are black and white I would like to add colour to these by screen printing and mono printing or to exaggerate any colour already in the images. This project will explore memory, when people view the images they can relate to a time in their life or a memory like in the image.