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Last week I started painting on a canvas I had in my studio space. I started painting and after a while I decided I wasn’t happy with how it was looking. So I left it for a few hours and then came back to it and started painting over what I had already done.

The first image on the right is what it looked like before I decided to paint over it and pretty much start again. At this stage I wasn’t happy with how it was looking, although I liked how the sky looked I wasn’t happy with it all as a whole so after leaving it for a while I decided I should paint over it and start again.

The next image shows the first stage of painting over it, I started off by painting the sky and working my way down the canvas.

The third image shows how it looked when I had finished painting it all and when I felt happy with how it looked, I didn’t want to keep painting over it becuase I would end up really not liking it. The last image is a photo I took of my pallet while I was painting.

I keep looking back at the final image and thinking about what more I could add to it. I keep asking myself the questions . . .

• Should I have left it alone in the first place and not changed it so much?

• If I go back to it now what more could I add to it?

• If I could add more, should I? Or should I leave it as it is?

So this painting may develop further, we’ll see.