The precious hours of relaxing with an endless supply of decent food with a glass of wine and conversing with those you only see once a year are now gone. It's time to buckle down and get back into the student routine of sleepless nights, generally bad food and irritations of seemingly everything around you. Or me…Yeah, thats probably just me.

I've been chipping away at my Dissertation over the christmas period, and by that i mean getting my folder out, taking a look at it, scribbling down some 'notes', getting distracted by anything, everything and nothing for a few hours only to come back to those 'notes' and have no idea about why i wrote such a note or what it even means.

I didn't pick the easiest subject matter, so the next few weeks will be spent living and breathing the words of 'The Gallery as a Transcendental Place'…

Until then folks!

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