I'm currently working on my Final Major Project, and as of last week it's going quite well. I just need to carry on, and do a lot more work.

I was consumed by confusion up until last week when one conversation put everything into perspective for this project. It is amazing how complicated i make things (naturally). I've realised alot of my work always needs toning down when it comes to what i have to say. It seems i have alot to say with my work, yet in the end i always say very little and give the viewer room for their interpretation of the work, as it should be.

I really wish there were more blogs on here. I find this such a great resource, i read all the blogs posted on here. It's nice getting an insight into the way other students are going about their work. It'll be good to go to a few end of year degree shows and actually spot certain peoples work i've seen and followed on here.


Dissertation is finally over, and im in two minds about what i've achieved. If anything…

It all depends on the expectations i suppose. If the lecturers enjoy reading a paper on me speculating the ideologies of others, with a mish mash of my own, only to end on a rhetoric note with a brief non-conclusion and reiteration of everything i had already covered, then i'm onto a winner.

If they wanted to see a coherent piece with structure of intro, body and conclusion then i can see a big red 'F' flashing all around me.

And in the end it wasn't about 'The White Cube as a Transcendental Place'… it was more about 'The Relationship between Art Display and Audience'. Similar, but not really.

Now it's all about the final major project…oh, and fundraising for our final show.

I'm not overly content with my proposal idea for my final major, it doesn't really gel well with previous projects i've done, but i feel i must run with it as it is based around something i'm currently experiencing. And im all for the 'being true to yourself' rule.

I'd rather not leave university this year, its a haunting thought. I'd much rather experience another 3 years of the freedom this degree has to offer.

I went and indulged in the Yoko Ono exhibition yesterday at the Baltic. What a wonderful lady! It really is annoying how she is in the shadow of The Beatles under the title of the woman responsible for ruining them.

She is a lady who deserves to be in the spotlight in her own right. As an artist. Her work is invigorating, it's just a shame that the exhibition was crawling in idiotic joepublic making judgemental comments on all the public participation pieces. For example, the amount of 'I wish you hadn't ruined The Beatles' on the wish trees was absolutely ridiculous.

If these people had animosity towards Yoko, why were they at her exhibition? And if they're showing an interest in viewing her work, why don't they have enough respect and consideration to refrain from referring to a situation she was once in (and ruining, supposedly!)?


On with the final major research!

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The precious hours of relaxing with an endless supply of decent food with a glass of wine and conversing with those you only see once a year are now gone. It's time to buckle down and get back into the student routine of sleepless nights, generally bad food and irritations of seemingly everything around you. Or me…Yeah, thats probably just me.

I've been chipping away at my Dissertation over the christmas period, and by that i mean getting my folder out, taking a look at it, scribbling down some 'notes', getting distracted by anything, everything and nothing for a few hours only to come back to those 'notes' and have no idea about why i wrote such a note or what it even means.

I didn't pick the easiest subject matter, so the next few weeks will be spent living and breathing the words of 'The Gallery as a Transcendental Place'…

Until then folks!

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