Marcel Un-Caged

coming upon a melancholic aBsence

good foR nothing immobility

resounding nOn-communication

through pOetry Marcel


flaring feaThered wings and claws

unmuzzling arnarcHic allegorical assemblages

eagle-riding thermAls over hollow shell towers

performing thought rE-toothing language

to gnaw esoteric tRuths onto

headstoned structureS bleachedboney institutions

Q: Language performs twenty-four times better when washing away.

A: Sometimes?

ps Performance Writing weekend at Arnolfini, Bristol 4 – 6 May www.arnolfini.org.uk


questions seed questions crop questions

questionable relationships

reading↔writing writer↔reading reader↔writing writer↔reader writing↔sounding sound↔read reading↔sounding


What colour are your eyes?

what colour watches my thoughtfollowing linear left to regimented right jump

down hopskip

down to

the last letterz

[start, return to] and all over


[return] shuffle in your seat

smile awareness of self as reader thinking about the colour of your eyes your smile my/your voice asking the colour of your/my eyes eyes settling

Here X and here XXX continue XXXXXXXXXXX


Do you read this out loud?


loud forcing of air to vibrate feeling bzz tckl text breath through throatsinusmouthtonguepalateteethspringLIPS

Probably not

Why not

try (no need for embarrassment no medusa spectating here we’re all in this together)

my shapes your sounds potentially prising words from fluently stainless interior space to shift for themselves amongst she sells sea shells cough up splutter red lorry yellow lorry stutter squeak everyday spasms expelling reason and will and will perhaps will free to find the colour of my voice free for you to voice your voice and place it

soundly in ears

inside and outside

all at the same time


a time of moves it was it is a time of searching sense a time of influences

collectings + connectings = continuings

nightday x seven

a step another

inc-re-ment further

edge along

(careful now)

a perhaps path

a sign ghosting

fingerstip-toe-ing ten-ta-tive

rockface brushing


bending stooping but


NOW: crouch crawl small crawl blindfolded crawl along a crawl beckoning crawl tunnel crawl narrowingcrawl easing crawl squeeeezing crawl to emerge


stumble tumble make off take off into the realms of


swarmings and scamperings (just out of mindshot)

journey ON

sinuous serpentining stFreLtcOhiWng


integrate distance with time




in fishshellsandharbour gathering books beached on highwater saltshelves

senses openingopenopened

cast rough nets around

a mist {in a bottle}

tan c/g ent r/i/als: Rachel Lois Clapham and Caroline Wilkins talking about their work at Tertulia, Spike Island, Bristol, 10 april 2012



a Beginning is attempted it’s usually expected an Introduction leading through Middle to …

End almost known as AugustmergingSeptember

but even an End is …

Edward Said said much about Beginning –

a project has beginning/middle/end = transitive

but then he found

< intransitive >

another Beginning one that “cannot truly be known, because it belongs more to silence

than it does to language

because it is what has always been

left behind

and because it challenges continuities that go cheerfully forward with their beginnings obediently affixed”

my transitive beginning is now pullingpushing me towards ending

my intransitive Beginning is further past and future, pulling in ideas encountered in seminars, reading, listening, living, pushing at ideas not formed

there’s no glimmer of Ending

it’s going to be an interesting journey

with a b/Beginning I might recognise some time

if not now