Cause and effect,

although this problematic piece fell short of delivering its intended signage, it was a seductive return to a science based concept of temporality. A ludicrous pop art gesture of solid and liquid it suggest a temporal state they Sandwich an organ pipe. dismembered detached deconstructed, . It becomes an awkward response to the none sound the silence of sculpture…

the piece no longer exists, it exists now in a new form….


this i made, inspired by a novel called the third policeman, by flan o'brian, one of the irish greats….

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well i feel schizophrenic, and probably look so as well, but is this not natural, hope so. this computer seems schizophrenic as well, but then again perhaps it thinks i'm quite alright which i probably am. Everyones going a bit mental, fat argument broke out last week it was quite worrying and amusing. Sculpture are getting more random, destroying a lot of them, feels great, and my finarrrlly is shaping up to consume the large part of 3m x 3m x Xm(height) since scaffolding company agreed to install 4 tons of scaffolding for free, whoop pee… brand new shiny stuff chrome to the maximum reflection… Hope your all doing well out there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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