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walking through is at the preview stage.  this means i’ve shared with the contributors their contributions within the work and now sharing with a small group of people who have been invited to look at the webpage introduction and the linked work.

at some point i need to pick a relevant date to “go live” with the work and share across all the socials.

so what’s it been like to get to this point ?

at a practical creating level it’s been really enjoyable.  i’ve been flexible with how i thought about the look of the project.  getting away from a stringency has given the work vitality and this makes me feel excited about what i’ve made.  i’m really excited about how the work has come together.

while creating i took the opportunity to be a participant at two idocs community webinars.  they were interesting, learning about a couple of projects also made during the lockdown and in the second edition about how some interactive documentaries covered the theme of climate change.

an aspect of the ‘the project’ funding was around how it would help me plan for the future.  i knew the project would directly inform my research around working with community and that has gone really well.  the unexpected insight that will help me has been around the workflow of the creation of the project.

today i feel in limbo.  wanting to share before launch is leaving me in a little bit of a state of not knowing what to do.  in an attempt to fill my thoughts i can talk about budget.

working with a fixed budget in a short time frame has been informative.  i’m going to bring in walking through in under budget and this leaves me with sometime to move the other part of the funded research forward.  having two projects running at the same time from the same funding stream has meant i have absolutely got the most out of the funding available.



if i’m honest with you i feel happy that i’ve nearly finished and sad that i won’t be working on it any more because i’ll have finished it.

the feeling of knowing i’ve nearly finished it is so good.  i know from contributors feedback that they all love the work and yes i’m really excited to soon be able to share it with a wider community.

the arts council have asked for a report within a month of ‘the project’ being finished.  as prism is also part of ‘the project’ i will have time to collate feedback about walking through prior to submission.

something i’m really feeling at the moment is with ‘the project’ nearing completion i’m going to be left in a bit of a wide open space.  how i feel about this is is starting to emerge.

sitting with the feeling for a while and asking what it feels like – it’s akin to the one in march; however, this time the what might happen in the future? doesn’t have the same feeling as it did in march.  for now i need to keep my nerve and complete what i’ve started.

focus andrew.

the plan is to hear the feedback from the previews and consider what i might act upon.  see what the feeling feels like in terms of when to launch the project.  i might do a staggered launch across the socials.  when it comes to it i know what the thing to do will need to be.  the end of the month might be a time to aim for.

so all in all i’m feeling good yet a little unsure.  i feel proud of what we’ve made as a community and i am so looking forward to be able to share it far and wide.

and to finish – making walking through has also helped me to realise just how connected i am – even at this time of lockdown in a pandemic.  i’ve realised  this as i started to consider where i want to share the project.

wow – the feeling of being connected is so uplifting …