I originally had this idea 13th January 12.58


I know iv been talking about words being very conceptual and a good option for me to work with, but numbers also have the effect, maybe slightly more deeper.

So here goes…

When you view 123,

is it 1, 2, 3,


one hundred and twenty-three,

if it is one hundred and twenty-three surely it should be written 100 and 20 3.

so in fact is it just one two three?

Three numbers can mean and be interpreted different ways. Does it just depend on different interpretations, depending on the viewer?

The numbers do appear physically different even though the same numbers are used.

This is the same as Art and the process of interpretation, I have previously spoke about



One two three

1 2 3

One hundred and twenty-three

100 and 20 3

(Print and present this as the Art)

Joseph Kosuth

This thought process was inspired by Joseph Kosuth “One and Three Chairs”. He presented a chair in three different forms, the definition of the word chair, a chair and a picture of the chair that is presented.

He is a conceptual Artist and writer. He believes, Art is Art and the Art, in which is being produced by the Artists themselves, can only define what Art is, as Art can only be a repetition of an Artist’s idea (as I was previously trying to explain in my previous posts, Kosuth just makes it make sense). Kosuth explains, in one of his most popular righting’s “Art after philosophy” from 1969. “A work of Art is a tautology in that it is a presentation of the artist’s intention, that is, he is saying that, that particular work of art is art, which means, is a definition of art.” (Alberro, Stimson, 2000, P.165, Joseph Kosuth, art after philosophy). “One and three chairs” is simply a tautology within it’s self, because of the repetition of the chair. All media that is presented in this piece of Art, express the same idea of the chair. This is the same sort of idea with my numbers; they are all the same numbers but can be perceived from different interpretations but at the end of it their all numbers.

I think more research into tautology and see what I can come up with…


For example

Barbara Kruger

Barabra Kruger is an Artist who uses many words in her practice. Kruger’s Belief + Doubt is something very interesting that has caught my interests. It’s an installation at the Hirshhorn Museum. Kruger had filled the space with an installation of text that reflected the idea of democracy, power and belief.

Even though I do not find this work particularly intellectually challenging, I find it uses the principle of conceptualism very cleverly. This installation is as if the viewers are walking into her mind and all her thoughts, opinions and questions bombard the viewers mind.

The only way the viewer can interpret the work is by reading it. Once the words are read and in the mind of the viewer, that is the moment when the work is successful in its existence.

i find words are very telepathic and I find this work telepathic.

If there was no “Reader” the work wouldn’t’t exist as its purpose, to get a thought across.

I find this is not an expressive piece of Art, in the sense of being from an interpretation of an idea. I feel it is to the point, straight to the idea. Which is exactly the sort of thing I would like to achieve in my work.



Referring back to post five, I have decided to produce Art through the medium of words.

I feel words are the only way I can express myself sometimes. This is because all my work is ideas and consists a lot from a thought process. My work in essence is a kind of language. Sian’s language.

Ideas and thoughts are developed from words. Words are then produced into a language, for others to understand.

The presentation of the words will then make my ideas exists in the world. Using words will also, not influence my ideas to much from interpretation. What I mean is, from myself attempting to make my idea into a physical thing is only a representation of the idea and words are the closest I can get to the idea.

Making sense?

Words are also conceptual. Words are not anything physical, just a representation of language, like a symbol. The language does not exist until the viewer has read the words. The words are then, in the mind of the viewer accompanied with their interpretations, which would then develop the idea.



To be honest Art really pisses me off.

I do not know how to express my ideas and have conversations with other Artists, especially in the presence of a debate. I do not speak the same language as an Artist. I have no clue what the Artist is saying when I communicate with one, they use words and names I have no idea about.

So I just resort to making Art as I understand my own language.

I have been engulfed by Arts contradiction of existence with its spiral of depth, because, as I said, “I resort to making “Art”.

The thing is, I am not an Artist and I do not make Art, the reality is, my ideas are simply, made into Art by the environment I am surrounded in.

Confusing or does it make sense?


10th January 2014

I need to act upon my ideas quickly, respond and record. This is because the more I think about the idea the more my thoughts and ideas will progress and the original idea develops into something different, therefore the original idea becomes an old idea.

When my idea exists as a physical thing it is not the same as the original idea, as to make the idea physical, the physical then becomes an interpretation of the mental idea.

As soon as the physical thing is perceived by the viewers, then again it is turned into something else from interpretation.

The Artist gives the idea, which encourages the viewer to think and interpret. The more they (the viewer) think, the more the original idea will turn into the viewer’s own ideas.

So… now the idea has gone through 3 stages to evolve and exists, I have just had another **idea!!**

**IDEA** 14.15

I’m going to make a chart, yes! The cycle of the birth of the idea!!


The Artist brain has the idea à the Artist makes the idea physical à the viewer sees, interprets and relates according to their own realities à the idea is reborn/grown into something new

This process of interpretation reminds me of a process of Chinese whispers…their we go another idea!!

**IDEA** 14.30

Chinese whispers

It’s been 10 minuets, I have already moved onto another idea, from the previous idea at the beginning of this post, and the previous idea is now an old idea.

like Chinese whispers, when people tell things, by the time it gets to the last person the original whisper is something new.

How can I make this physical? These idea’s are all good but they do not exists unless it’s made physical?


Another idea, from a previous idea and now the previous idea is now an old idea.

(This would be good to print!!)

Now I need to stop!!..before I develop a new idea