No look, listen ere's a good'en. How many folk singers does it take to change a light bulb?

6; one to change the light bulb and 5 to sing about how good the old one was!


Well today I have just about finished preparing the cartoon for this project and I have orderd the tiles. It is something like 11 months ago that I went for the interview. Tommorrow I will have to re-organize my workshop and prepare things to accomodate it, something I quite like doing. It is exciting to start, at long last.

I also wanted to tell you about what I had read Frederic Jameson said about History: That a defineing sense of postmodernism was the disappearance of a sense of history in our culture, a pervasive depthlessness, a perpetual presant, in which the memory of tradition is gone.


How do you like that? Its blown me away.