Viewing single post of blog When The Stone Falls The World Will End

Just quick update. Both Neil and myself have been working on further film loops and drawings. I have had to re-consider some audio for a couple of my film loops and have been trying to do this through the Audacity sound editing program. It's going OK although I do find this program quite tricky and not very user friendly.

I've completed another new loop and re-edited one as I felt that one was missing a scene and seemed too short.

Neil has completed the largest drawing yet for the exhibitions, a cairn on the edge of a cliff in pencil and black conte.

We have both been developing and framing our photography. This had been a great experience as I normally have photography as documentation of my video work for myself and have never really framed any up before. These images will possibly be included in one of our 09 exhibitions or be a separate body of work to be exhibited individually. We'll see…