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So if Carl Andre used bricks I’m going to use old curtains. But how? To start with I decided to copy Mr Andre by recreating his Equivalent VIII with exactly the same dimensions, just instead of bricks I would use foam blocks covered in old curtains. And see where that takes me. This change of materials immediately renders the work somehow domestic and female and more fun! To emphasise the homemadeness of this I created some dressmaking patterns or ArtPatterns which would allow people to go home and make their own minimalist artwork! Hooray, thus putting a very sharp pin into the bloated seriousness of minimalism. There is humour in this too particularly if you are familiar with these artists, but the paper pattern shows images of the original macho hard industrial artwork against the softer more floppy version. Of course Claes Oldenberg did something similar, but was his work funny?  Is there humour in minimalsim? Oh yes there is!