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Monday 11 May

Scot Hornby

Utah was a place I never thought I would visit in my life time. It's not the usual holiday destination, or one of the regular areas that tourists visit in America so to have had the opportunity to go there, I am forever grateful. The landscape is indescribable, since I've been back home poeple have asked me "what is it like?" and I haven't been able to even touch upon doing these places justice. The scale and colours of the landscape just cannot be fully justified in words. Even the photographs only give a small glimpse into the experience. I couldn't write about my experiences without mentioning how wonderful the poeple were who we met out there. We received the warmest welcome and were treated with such care. To go to places so far away from home, a place which is considered so culturally different, and to be welcomed with open arms and accepted into a family home was something I will never forget and I really do hope I have the chance to visit Utah again in the future. A dream come true!

Caroline Race

What have I brought away / learned from the project? I have learned to work under extreme exhaustion and pressure and still be able to produce a piece of work that I am satisfied with. This project has enabled me to adopt my methods and practice to incorporate different materials and unfamiliar tools and studio space. Most importantly it has been the people I have worked with, both my peer group and the American tutors and students, who have made the trip special. Team work has been exceptional. The hospitality and the large, well organised meals provided on the camping trip for 40+ people was a site to behold and something to be treasured and used for future projects.

Patricia Graves

What a two weeks!! We packed in so much, tried to learn some new skills, but only scatched the surface. With time constraints being so fine, there were decisions made that would have taken me weeks at home. Not much time to put Plan B in action when Plan A was not working as well as was hoped. Learning to use a Mac took some time to pick up the basics too. Poor Julie had Illutrator to adjust too as well. It was really hard to leave my piece behind, it felt so strange.

All in all, it was a lot of hard work to produce a piece for the show, but so worth it interms of a learning curve of imense proportions and a of a great all round life experience. Thanks, Michelle, for all your hard work in setting up this opportunity for us.