Book Arts

These are some books I created for my print option this term.

Once again they deal with personal identity and body image.


(I did post this the other day but I’ve somehow deleted it…I’m finding this website rather confusing haha)

So I’ve recently just finished putting some print work up for my 2nd asessment of the year. I’d say im 80% satisfied with the result but due to time restraints and me just being an unorganised fool I didn’t quite get to full execute some of my ideas…

I had originally intended to make a zoetrope out of my print work…but alas it wasnt to be

woe is me…

This print work is all about me…(which you will soon discover is a common theme in ym work if you continue to read my forthcoming posts) I decided to make the prints into pyramid shapes because it cut the figure up so it was difficult to view as a whole. This make us focus on different parts of the body just as we do when we scrutinize our own bodies in the mirror…