I recently had an idea for a set of prints I wanted to produce. Since my work is dealing with layers of our personality, hiding certain parts of ourself, wanting to show your true colours and how that relates to clothing. Wearing certain clothing makes us feel differently, Like a costume, our choice of clothing also says alot about us.

I decided to create some simple screen prints to put this idea forward. The bold colours are a contrast to the type of clothing (suits, trousers) – associated with business men and office work. Usually blacks & greys dominate this type of clothing. However by using bright orange and green I’m commenting on the lack of individuality this clothing forces people into, and how uniforms make us all blend in.

When we see someone in a suit, how do we judge what type of person they are witohut any hint of their true self? whos under the suit?


I’m currently working on my piece fo my final degree show, and the past 10 days I’ve been quite suprisingly productive.

Since January I’ve been working on a large…hmm well I guess ‘tapestry’ is the best word I could use but its not really. It consists of large pieces of fabric stitched together, with portraits of myself in machine stitch on top of it. The fabric is textured with torn bits of paper and painted with acrylic. It really is the definition of mixed media.

the first picture is an example of what it looked like a months or so ago…

As you can see from the other pictures the piece has now become clothing. I wasnt satsified with the piece just hanging like a dead weight on the wall. So I decided I would cut it up and make it into a suit as a way of expressing the meaning behind the work more clearly.

The suit represents a layer or skin …the surface of me. The bit that your worry about the most. The bit you always want to change. The stitched portraits of myself are delciate and have bits of torn paper and textures, representing the fragile human condition. I think the suit could lead to a really interesting video installation of me wearing it and even taking it off to shed the layer and let go of my insecurities.

(I only had my phone with me when I photographed the work..I’m going to retake the photos with my digital camera and replace them tomorrow)


Book Arts

These are some books I created for my print option this term.

Once again they deal with personal identity and body image.


(I did post this the other day but I’ve somehow deleted it…I’m finding this website rather confusing haha)

So I’ve recently just finished putting some print work up for my 2nd asessment of the year. I’d say im 80% satisfied with the result but due to time restraints and me just being an unorganised fool I didn’t quite get to full execute some of my ideas…

I had originally intended to make a zoetrope out of my print work…but alas it wasnt to be

woe is me…

This print work is all about me…(which you will soon discover is a common theme in ym work if you continue to read my forthcoming posts) I decided to make the prints into pyramid shapes because it cut the figure up so it was difficult to view as a whole. This make us focus on different parts of the body just as we do when we scrutinize our own bodies in the mirror…