Looking forward to tomorrow. Jonathan Parsons, the ARC co-ordinator in Portsmouth is coming to dispense wisdom, and engage in discussion. It’ll be a good chance to put forward all the studio development ideas I’ve been formulating, and test them against a critical perspective.

I have my first progress report meeting next month on the 12th, so I’m treating that as a deadline for putting the package together. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow’s session I’ll have an effective plan of action.

And as things are looking right now, a lot of phone calls to make. The funding seminar at last weeks NFASP conference suggested putting aside at least 20% of your time on funding based activities. Reckon it’ll be a bit higher than that for these next few weeks. But if we build it right, the work load will be less in the long run. Or so I’m hoping.


Whoops, I can’t find the instructions for the heating system. It’s cold in here! Suppose that makes it all the more authentic though. Freezing artist in old building, cold breath-clouds spiralling up into the even colder ceiling.

Fret not though. Michael is back tomorrow, and he can work the machine.

The future is bright.

The future is toasty.