My phone has just broken. Lost all of my numbers and contacts.

Mustn’t think bad thoughts of the phone. It wasn’t doing it to spite me, in the middle of one of the busiest weeks I’ve had, but I still find it hard not to feel agrieved by the wretched piece of stupid, inert machinery.

Where’s the wine?


The studios are OPEN!

A splendid sunny day. All the right people were here. Had a lot of short conversations over the two-hour frantic meet, greet and eat. Pleased to say that the first, tentative, exploratory shoots of project-plan-litmus-testing turn out trumps. Or should that be ‘up’? Turned ‘up’ trumps? Hm. Too busy to care really. It went trumpy, ’nuff said.

Got a few tasty leads to follow up the next few days. It’s always worth talking to everyone. You just don’t know who may have something new for you: that stray word, turn of phrase or blatant suggestion that could turn your plans on a sixpence or provide that vital ingredient you’ve been looking for. I’ve had a bit of all of those this last week. Think I will need to build some type of outlet for what is going on as it comes together. Maybe a website is necessary. This blog is helping me keep a sense of continuity and reflection, but there’s not the space to lay out all the excitement.

I’m hoping we’re ging to evolve into a multi-facetted organisation that has it’s core here, in my pointy chapel, but works out in satelite locations. Want to reach hundreds of people with this, not just few dozen here and there. It’s all about vision, and having just enough stupidity to remain unafraid of what you’re embarking upon!

Meanwhile, tonight involves some last minute prep for the last-stage interview at Walsall New Art Gallery tomorrow. Gonna be a busy week, this one…


I started this blog only a few weeks ago. Seems like another life. Sitting behind a gallery desk, getting my bike stolen, and watching people fall ill. Struggling, hoping and living in a bedsit. Today’s NFASP conference, at the Toynbee centre in London, was another clear signpost to a brighter, happier, artier world. With the Chapel Arts studios having their official mayoral-opening tomorrow, Motivated Dave was in da house, and everything that everyone said was interesting. People spoke of ideas creating change, of funding possibilities, of tenancy agreements, of integrating with the community, of educational programmes, of diversity, of residencies and of studio collectives. No such thing as too much. I’m so fired up I could soak myself in this stuff till my fingers go wrinkly.

All that and biscuits too! Mind you, I missed all the chocolate ones as I was too busy talking to a studio director about their aspiration of “raising the consciousness” of their home town through an ambitious outreach programme. I liked this lady.

In fact the only bit of the day that could have been disappointing turned out to be the best success. Five afternoon seminars. Choose one. I chose one. Turned out I knew the speaker, Katherine Anteney, (I liked her too),and had previously been part of the splendid aspace organisation and studio complex she was talking about. The work that Dan Crow, the director (who I like as well), has done these last nine years is nothing short of inspirational. He’s been flying an ever-expanding lone flag of creative talent in the city’s centre, and without him, Southampton would be a much poorer place.

Be that as it may, this was not the seminar of New and Unexplored and Unexpected territory that I was hoping for. Bummer. Though, seeing a slide of my work appear during the presentation was unexpected. As was one of the NFASP trustees approaching me about an exhibition he’s curating curate. He saw the slide of my work and would like to involve me. “I can do that” I said, and if all goes well, I will.

For now, I best put all that to one side and get ready for tomorrow’s opening. Michael, my brilliant but over-worked and worn-out development officer has announced he’s got the red ribbon at last. Seven metres of it?! I had to laugh when he told me that. I mean, how big can two doors be? Are we wrapping the entire Chapel in the shiny stuff? But he’s bringing tables at 10, and collecting sandwiches at 11. Then it’s best bib and tucker with all hands on deck. Ruth, Michaels wife, and Louise, my almost-wife, will be there to help with the drinks, and a-talking we shall go.

I’m going to remember tomorrow for a long time, I think. It’s not everyday that a best case scenario lands on your doorstep, so this is one to savour. With wine of course. And a lot of thankyou’s.


We’re off to London tomorrow. Not to see the queen this time, but to attend an annual conference of art-studio providers. I’m expecting to glean huge amounts of useful, practical and inspirational material form this day, and although I’m still typing well past my bedtime, I can’t seem to switch off from all the possibilities that are starting to show themselves with the Chapel Arts project. Each day uncovers something new. Another path to follow, a new lead. We now have a plethora of what-if’s .

For when I come back from the conference with yet another bag stuffed full of yet more of the plethoric what-if’s, I have got myself booked into an advice session. With so much to plan, (and most of it completely new ground for me) I’ve chosen a very clever man called Jonathan. He’s an advisor for ARC in Portsmouth, and yea verily, he shall dispenseth of the wisdom. Or I’ll want my money back. Or at least the biscuits I intend to feed him.

Just a little over 24 hours to the opening now, and the non-stop info-gather and plan-hatching of the last couple of weeks is really coming together. We have a coalescing, I do believe!

Speaking at last weeks Café Culture to a small, but well-listened audience, I began to see the studios at a genetic level. We have a wonderful opportunity to build something into existence, and the genes we provide it with will go a long way in determining the life-form that evolves over the next few months (and hopefully years).

What if the studios evolved into a base of operations? It’s beautifully formed, but too small to be a dedicated venue. I think what we have here, in viewing it as a base, is more of a creative think-tank: an ideas machine that people will come to, meet, speak, react and respond. This building needs to be an engine that churns out these ideas and inspiration, feeding the local community and drawing people in from a wider field.

So, the question is, what are the ingredients that will yield this rich harvest that is so desired?

Good question.


It’s here! The wait is over! The studios have a bright red settee, and it’s a thing of comfort and beauty!