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Peter Heslip
News News story

Peter Heslip: “The public need to understand and value the work artists do”

Peter Heslip, Arts Council England’s new Director of Visual Arts, oversees a portfolio of 144 funded visual arts organisations and leads on museum funding in London. Two months into his new job, and on his first day in the office after a trip to Venice, we talk to him about supporting artists, communicating with the public and the realities of the current funding environment.

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News News story

Venice review: The Encyclopedic Palace at Arsenale and Giardini

S Mark Gubb, one of 23 artists who received a Venice Go and see bursary from a-n to visit the Biennale during the preview period, reviews The Encyclopedic Palace exhibition at the Arsenale and Giardini – and pops his head in at a few national pavilions, including Jeremy Deller’s English Magic show.

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Paul Hobson
News News story

Contemporary Art Society opens new space

As the Contemporary Art Society prepares to open its first ever permanent home since it was founded in 1910, we talk to its director Paul Hobson about what the new space will mean for the organisation and its work.

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