Collage - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Life is still life

I have been taking photographs of jugs and teapots that I have in my household. This is the start of a new series of works in which I am exploring still life and the idea of commodity fetish. Why do […]

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Blog Post


I am staring out into the garden at the roses both blooming and drooping in the rain. There is the quiet hum of the fridge in the background and the only other thing I can hear currently is the tapping […]

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Blog Post


Oh dear. I still haven’t managed to include all the bits I have wanted to in my latest series of collages and painting. I have been easily distracted lately. This includes illness, my work in a theatre and the stress […]

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Blog Post

Crawling, scratching, investigating

Much of making art for me is about trying things out. I tend to work in series of works where I am exploring particular ideas that have evolved from other art works I have created. Very often it may appear […]

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Blog Post

Some other time

My, where has time gone? It is something that seems to stretch in front of you full of opportunity and potential and then collapses and amalgamates behind you, becoming blurred and unrecognisable. I haven’t written a blog for ages. Can’t […]

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Blog Post

Walking Beyond Words

WALKING BEYOND WORDS Exploring our smallness and the interconnectedness of everything Today is the beginning of Walking Beyond Words. In this series of 52 weekly walks we are walking alone, knowing that others are walking also. It is a kind […]

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Blog Post

Space in the static

Sometimes it is just hard to focus. Trying to experiment and develop feels like the hardest thing to do as pressures, emotions, and other commitments block and scrambles one’s progress. I don’t feel inspired, I don’t feel driven. It is […]

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Blog Post

I enjoy a good background

I have recently started on a new series of works, somewhat larger than normal and inspired by my previous doodlings of strange insect like creatures and also my garden series. It is at a very early stage but it will […]

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a colourful yet quite scuffed collage featuring two dark brown eyes with sparkling green eyeshadow looking knowingly at the viewer. Fragments of magazines, dots and red scribbles also feature.
Blog Artist

Documenting documenta 15

A visual essay responding to an Arts Council England and OutSet funded research trip to documenta 15, with a group of disabled d/deaf and neurodivergent artists and curators.

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Blog Post

Flobber wobber

Spinney winney Swimming, strimming through the water or air It doesn’t matter This strange creature defies existence, refuses structure It lives its life through imagination and sheer determination Poof, woof, whirrrrrl It’s as if it discovers new parts as its […]

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Blog Post

That moment in the evening

That moment in the evening Coming back from nowhere in particular Thinking about nothing at all The cars line the streets And the street stretches ahead The lights are not yet on Yet there is an eerie glow Spreading slowly […]

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Blog Post


It’s the start of a new year and the start of new art work. Currently I am visiting my repository of photographs and cropping these in different ways – fragments of fragments in a sense and seeing how I alternatively […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "The Cultural Tourist"

Distance I have been doing something different this month; working in the hospitality sector to bring in some extra money and also to shake up the focus of my observation and experience. It came at a good time. Just before […]

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Blog Post

The market place

Cool water. Reflective, impenetrable. It reluctantly catches the limpid light. But I can still feel the cold seeping, creeping. The rats. They gather together by the banks. Trembling amongst the paper cups and crisp packets. Sheltered from the damp of […]

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