cultural regeneration - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Creative Block

I’ve been in the grip of what is often called ‘Creative Block’ for a long time. It’s miserable and it’s boring. In spite of it, I continue to draw and I continue to teach Drawing and to believe in Drawing […]

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Blog Post

Empire Day drawing exhibited in New York

My silverpoint drawing, ‘Empire Day’, is about to be on show in an exhibition in New York. The exhibition is called ‘The Seventh View’ and has been organised in partnership between the ING Discerning Eye and the C24 Gallery in […]

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Blog Post

A small drawing

Margate Creatives. 2010s (silverpoint on gesso, 20.7cm x 14.2cm) is one of an ongoing series of small metalpoint drawings of people in costume, or uniform, with a connection to the sea side town of Margate.  It’s part of a long […]

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News News feature

Free Market thinking: arts, organising and alternatives to neoliberalism

Market Gallery’s recent Free Market symposium – supported by an a-n Artist Led Bursary – brought together thinkers and doers to discuss issues around ‘cultural resources in crisis’ and was in part informed by the Glasgow gallery’s own precarious situation. Chris Sharratt reports on three days of thinking beyond the usual.

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Blog Post

Margate Landlady

‘Margate Landlady’ Work-in-progress.  One of a number of silverpoint drawings based on people in an old photograph from Margate. Note: any similarity to any B&B owners currently living in Margate or Cliftonville is purely coincidental.

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