programme - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

UNION 3 (Manchester) – The Sunday

On Sunday morning we went to the most incredible place ever. Even thinking about it now lifts my soul. It’s called Hulme Community Garden Centre. I love every single square inch of that place, seriously. Just go have a look […]

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Blog Post

UNION 0; Before the Kick Off

This time next week, I’ll have finished my first of the five weekend residencies and officially embarked on the UNION journey. I’m honoured to have been one of the 20 artists, activists, makers, writers, musicians, changemakers to have been invited […]

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Blog Post

Family In Resident

Saara Sillanpää and her family where artists in resident at Islington Mill between 23rd October – 4th November that was hosted by We Are Resident. I was really excited to pick them up from the airport as we had been […]

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Blog Post

Goodbye Takahuhti Hello Suomenlinna

  On our way back home we stayed one more night in Helsinki that gave me a chance to catch up with my artist mother friend Anna Puhakka and a research visit to HIAP Helsinki International Arts Programme located on […]

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Blog Post

Change the plan

It’s only been a few weeks since I last posted a blog although in this short time I feel I have forgotten how to write. This is because I have been trying to get a press release written, planned, re-planned […]

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Blog Post

Residency Buzz

I have seen lots of really interesting and experimental residencies popping up on my social media feeds over the past few weeks and this is helping me reflect on what We Are Resident residency could be. Idle women launched an […]

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Blog Post

Hand Made Guide

This is the final week for applications for the residency in Finland and I am excited to see people’s work, also a little anxious to see if this is of interest to the artist community. I have to remind myself […]

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Post Event 2

  It has taken me a while to be able to write about this last event I hosted at the University of Salford, Overcoming barriers to artists’ residencies as I am so critical of my own performance and a little […]

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Say what it is

Post research event at Manchester Art Gallery in November I have been crystal clear with the headline in my upcoming artist talk poster; Overcoming barriers to artists’ residencies. The University of Salford have been supporting me with providing a venue, […]

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Blog Post

Overcoming barriers to artists’ residencies

You are all invited to the second We Are Resident event at the University of Salford. Booking is essential to reserve your FREE place. We look forward to seeing you there…

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Blog Post

Evaluation #2 10 Minute Residency

Point 4 – Interview Booth The final point was an opportunity to interview artists/artist parents/creatives to see if there were any commonalities in there response to the previous questions and ask them specifically about their professional development needs. This is […]

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Blog Post

Evaluation #1 10 Minute Residency

43 participants including adults and children 33 General Public   10 Artists/Creatives Point 1 – Suitcase People where asked if they wanted an International or Domestic residency and noted their responses on luggage labels. The scores for this where International […]

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1 Day Research Residency

To learn more about artist residencies I went to London for a research trip and visited Gasworks and Shape Arts. I had tried to make an appointment with Gasworks although with the building only just re-opening this month after a […]

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Blog Post

Don’t say the ‘r’ word

This week I have been firming up dates and plans for my artist parent residency research event at Manchester Art Gallery in November. I wanted to use a space that can accommodate everyone with activities for the children and adults […]

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Blog Post

The Golden Age has gone

This past week has been about listening and taking snapshots of residencies popping up on social media. A good listen was Susan Jones lecture about artists pay since the 90s up until today and it seems that back then it […]

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Blog Post

Its Official

Finally after part self-funding a research trip to Finland, developing the idea over the past 18 months and a second attempt of applying to Arts Council England my project has been funded. I have to start by giving my thanks […]

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Blog Artist

We Are Resident

I am researching and developing a supported residency for artists who feel unable to participate within existing programmes. This will be developed with Islington Mill in Salford and the Artists Association in Tampere. Supported by Arts Council England.

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