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Audio and reversing lorries

I met with Elaine, one of the History Detectives today at NRO and we worked on the audio together. There was quite a lot of work to be done on the script I had prepared. Its much easier when there is someone who can listen to you and then make suggestions. It took all morning to get the content right, leaving the afternoon to record. Drawing upon notes sent via email from the group, the diagrams from the project sessions last year and some information sheets from the Parliamentary Archive we tried to include all the relevant information. What to leave out becomes a real issue, there is so much on each commissioner that could be included but we had clear deliberations about what was essential and what was a diversion. Such is the nature of research, it does always seem to leave you with more questions than answers. I am hoping the project indicates how this way of working could be used in the future with other documents and other collections. The video composition does offer an alternative to still images and text on web pages.

We tried recording all the audio in one go, forgetting the size of the HD file I would be trying to import into the video programme – so plan B consisted of recording bite sized pieces which worked well. When preparing to record the audio the level and diversity of noises around seemed significant, it was all just everyday things but we had to suspend recording for a bit while the library lorries in the loading bay outside the window behind us had manoeuvred into position.

I have imported the audio sections into the edit and it is working well. There are one of two sections which are too long and as I am keen to ensure the artwork comes in under 9 minutes, so there will be some re-working required. So we will meet up again next week to capture audio again. There is some re-working of the images already included to be completed which is fine and some additional images to be located. This process is enjoyable even if my computer is struggling with all the files at times.

Backing up is a regular occurrence at this stage, well it has been all the way through, but now more than ever as completion draws ever closer.