So here I am. Recent work, large (about 50x50cm) tiles of laminated bone china & chocolate black clays sit on drying shelves in the dining room near the radiator. They weren't drying out fully in my chilly (garden) studio so I brought them in, like so many cold orphans, to warm up.

They've been sitting there since before Christmas, waiting for the public access kiln i use to have new extraction fitted. I've tried & still am trying to source other electric kilns to fire the pieces.. a long story. We shall see which comes first!

My work, where it's come from? At ECA & after, the inspiration I felt came from archaic & Neolithic sites, I was drawn to them & drew my work from that experience.

Later I realised it's the experience of space and sense of place that was & is the influence. In a moment of solitude, the door opens, in comes peace.

Peace, existential within the large 45 degree terraced & tree topped slope of the garden, has provided inspiration for it's evolution into a sculpture garden.

The idea was confirmed for me last summer in Barbara Hepworths place in St Ives.

The garden still needs lots of work and there are always the wall based pieces to make too, they bring the outside, semi-abstract, in.

OK I have my work cut out, but I see this blog as a motivational tool!