It’s been sometime.. Life has done that thing that it does on occasions and the universe has taken me by the hand and led me ‘Over here..!’

The key to all this as I am discovering has been with me all the time. The problem is that we look outside ourselves for salvation when the answer is always within.. Having said that, sometimes it takes ‘another’ to point this out to us.

To trust ones instincts and tune into the energy that is life, that gives life, is where one cannot fail to find happiness. RIGHT HERE if we spend enough time returning to RIGHT NOW. Becoming present in every day to day situation and receptive to what the world wants to give us.

My newest sculpture PRESENCE (FLOW) for Scarborough Hospital Maple Garden – funded by HAFNEY and ACE has been installed and receiving lovely feedback. The piece aims to enable the viewer to experience true peace within the contemplation of the work. To bring a mental and physical resting place for those who find themselves using the hospital as patients, families, visitors or staff. The garden is in the early stages of development but the sculpture and the spring sunshine are really bringing about a beauty to the space. May it bring to the visitors, just what they need!