Today I have been cutting glass and loading my pieces with the glass on in the kiln… I am using dichroic glass in some pieces to give them a magical appearance. Today I have also been making some metal parts to attach on to the mother and father ceramic pieces – these will include an image each of my mum and dad, as well as a tiny intricate dreamcatcher for them both.

Also.. Thank you to those who commented on my other post – I cant seem to post comments on it for some reason! – your suggestions were useful…. Richard – I have actually read and watched the harry potter series, however after I read your comment I looked at more images of the ‘memory viewer’ and its helped with final descision of the colour – it will be black, with a glowing (ish) middle part – although this prob wont be blue like the harry potter pensieve, but more amber -ry. This also lead me to think about the significance it has in the potter books and how this relates to my work..- this works quite well as they are both to with memory.

I have also looked into Carol Bove’s work, which is fascinating .. thanks for suggesting her, i have not seen her work before.