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Thursday 6 July

hot hot hot and stormy

borrow the yellow bike
bit like a chopper
to go to the shop
the warm rain
makes my arms wet
and shiny
am dry by the time I return

out on the grass again
it’s like a stage –
I find more objects to arrange
it is harder than yesterday
they don’t quite come together
and transcend their individuality
left to their own devices
not much happens

afternoon in the workshop
making a self supporting
frame –
a need to make something tangible
function – not sure
reason – it’ll come !
making leads to thinking
making helps to make connections
making helps
suspended in thought + deed
here there is
time and space
to be unconstrained

the day is flattened out by heavy cloud
it’s humid
I retreat
flick through loads of photos
and bits of film footage
from the last few days
one or 2 things might lead somewhere
feels like mining – speculative
something is happening
but I can’t quite grasp it

as I cook
a tremendous storm gathers
and disperses all its energies
noisily, windily
everything slams
….and it cools down briefly
then some reading
‘tho not the serious books I brought with me
a novel about a journalist
sent to cover the
Venice Biennale
he’s having a high old time
in a blokey way
you know the mix…
exotic woman (LA gallerist)
old friends (other blokey journalists)
add in bellinis, private views,snogging
middle aged angst
the ‘eat, sex, Tintoretto,
a yacht, risotto, coke,
poncey artists, drunken artists
vaporettos etc
it’s a laugh