Journalist friends on the local paper tell me that a press release for my May exhibition needs to be in three months before the event if I am going to have any chance of getting publicity. Evidently they work that length of time into the future with their planning. So I sweated this “short’ piece. Why is it so difficult to write about yourself?

Lorna Marrison on Osney Island

The Punter – Osney Island

May 4 to May 31

Eynsham artist Lorna Morrison brings together a series of small intimate studies in oils that highlight the various doors she encountered when visiting Osney Island, Oxford.

She says that on an individual basis doors are an expression of the boundary between private and personal space but there is far more to them than that as her insightful paintings suggest.

These are not simple illustrations. As Lorna studied each door and started to paint the doors began to take on a life of their own and become characters of distinction that continued to evolve and develop as she worked. The result is a superb collection of little paintings that depict the very essence of one of Oxford’s most atmospheric areas.

The exhibition also includes another collection in her popular Morris Dancers series – this time she has used their dance to take a rather irreverent look at the theme of sin.

The exhibition runs from May 4 to 31 May and is supported by Tim Rainey who hosts it in The Punter, Osney Island.

So what do you think