
A frustrated young man in Tunisia is driven to self immolation and the protests at his death spark a revolution.

His brother Salem Bouazizi was quoted as saying: “Freedom is expensive and my brother paid the price of freedom”

I’ve done a drawing (monotype print). It helps me to think about him. His impotence in the face of oppression – echoed for millions of people around the world.

What use is my drawing for others? I can hope it draws attention to these happenings. I’m not sure what else. For me, it draws the issues deeper inside myself.

Is the drawing a celebration of freedom? A bitter sweet celebration of death and flames precluding release. Its very sad. But I am hearing so many Tunisians proclaim their freedom from fear, their finding of their voice. So many individuals sparked into a state of hope.

Looking at the Wikipedia entry, there is a table showing ‘copycat’ self immolations since the death of Bouazizi. I’m seeing ten cases of self immolation! In Algeria, Mauritania, and Egypt.

(I know that Wikipedia cannot always be verified, and it can be very loose, but still some of this picture must be true)