Time for a post, to post something, some words. Its been a busy month of March.

March 8th – International Womens Day. Myself and fellow artist Nicci Wonnacott led some art actions at Exeter Phoenix. Mine was ‘print a protest postcard’, to raise awareness of the massive cut to funding families, women and men affected by domestic violence. Their funding from Devon County Council was to be 100%. Its incrediable isn’t it. Picture them sitting round a table with their budget sheets and imagining that their funding (some million odd) could be completely wiped away. Also in light of the fact that DCC’s own funding cut is 23%. So there was great campaigning from a core group and the cut is down to 42%. But it is still so bitterly disappointing for the groups involved who know so acutely the impact to individual lives these cuts will have.

It was a small action. We printed ‘Not so SAFE anymore’ onto tens of postcards. But it provided a place to talk about. And it provided me with a place to consider how action can be made. I am new to this.