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Emma and I met up last week and went drawing in the woods. Brilliant. Just to sit still and actually look. And feel. To look at the smallest seedlings, shoots of ivy, and great big fat tree trunks aside willowly silver birch.

I marker penned tree trunks and seedlings onto a bit of ply. It may be cut. I don’t know if my tools are big enough.

This week’s meet up got sucked away by meetings and work. Work really competes for space. Its a constant challenge of finding and making time. Luckily most tv is pretty c.r.a.p. and I get quite a lot done in the evenings after the kids are in bed.

I have been distracted by a couple of commissions recently. One small drypoint went by quite pleasantly. However, I agreed to a street scene lino cut thinking that if I agreed to do it small size it wouldn’t detract me too long from my stuff I want to do. But it’s not enjoyable on a small scale, so I will submit and get a larger piece of lino.

I’m not sure where I’m at the moment. Not a bad thing, as when I’m in the momentum of creating new work I can hardly think of anything else. Its emotionally exhausting. Plus there’s quite a lot else wot needs head space (job, kids, husband, friends, family and most definitely sleep).

Really though, I need to bite the bullet and get on with experimenting with the animations I keep thinking about.