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HAHA.. How silly. I've only just realised that I didn't publish my blog even though I had published the post. woops.. anyway you should be able to read them now…

Quick update.

Its 3.16am and I was working in the cinema till 10pm boo… but there was some classic stupid customers asking silly questions like… "What's the difference between sweet and salted popcorn?" Yeah. I kid you not.

So now I am of course not asleep and doing research.. haha I lie. I'm surfing the internet aimlessly.

I have to be in the studio at some crazy time tomorrow morning to hand back a projector. I usually select the option to hand it back later in the day but I clearly wasn't thinking at the time. I used it well though and feel like I'm getting somewhere in the studio. Bet you feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing that don't you! haha
