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So, I've finally got my images selected for the cover opportunity which wasn't as easy as I first thought. I was looking through my iPhoto and I realised that I have over 4,000 images taken since only last year… wow.

Anyways.. I've just not long finished work and I can't be bothered going in tomorrow. I still have a public art project to complete and its just a bit of a nuisance. I'll get something amazing done I'm sure but I just dont want to be thinking of it just now. haha.

You know what… some if not all cinema customers are thick. Like seriously. Who goes into a cinema and asks if they sell popcorn? In fact, you have to walk past popcorn to ask get to the tills in order to ask.. and another one… who seriously couldn't work out what the difference between sweet and salted popcorn is.. I got asked both of these within the last week. I wish I was kidding.

Anyways… 8 weeks today I'll have everything finished… hopefully. haha I'm sure I'll have some last minute things to do. I'll actually guarantee that I will have things to do. Anyway I'm off to bed to listen to an amazing podcast…

night night.
