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Me, myself and I for a moment…

The last wee while has been a crazy one. Full of many ups and unfortunately a few downs. I am now single.. It's funny how stress attracts stress isn't it.

So moving swiftly on…

I have a sheet of glass (75 cm squared) and an appointment to get a photograph made. I think I might use it for the big show but I have a crit next week and I was planning on using for then.

I'm a bit more focused on the big show but I don't want to change the way I work for it. I am an intuitive maker and I like to be in the space to make something. (Oi, stop reading between the lines… I am in no way lazy nor do I leave everything to the last minute. hehe.)

It's kind of an exciting time don't you think? I love the feeling of uncertainty and excitement about the future after art school.

ohhh… we had a pricing seminar today. Woohoo… or perhaps not. It started off as a bit of a history lesson and judging by the people who turned up I wasn't the only one to question where it was all going. Having said that there was the odd bit of helpful information thrown in.

The question now is…

Will anything sell?
