i got a letter yesterday informing me i have an interview for the ma course- next monday. argh. slight panic about non existant portfolio. ive been concentrating on applying for the new contemporaries exhibition and filming/editing. im presenting in convenor next tuesday and the Qart one on 14th feb – www.q-artlondon.com – so totally forgot about the ma thing. well not totally, just thought it would be at the end of feb. so now ive got to focus on monday and hope what i am presenting tuesday does not suffer.

as a by-the-by i needed some info from the national portrait gallery, you cant email them you have to write a letter. write a letter.


now the dissertation has been handed over it feels a bit strange. it has been with me since the summer, following me around, nagging me gently, requiring attention every-now-and-then. now its gone. i miss it. a bit.

slowly starting to think about the actual degree show now. what is it supposed to be? the next piece of work? an extra special one? although it is v.different to showing in a convenor or gallery setting, it has to sit within the work of a hundred others, and hopefully not drown. in the end it is a piece of work that has to be marked, it is a university course after all. but it is easy to forget that most of the time, most of the time it feels like a great opportunity to 'make' and 'talk', the box ticking does not matter so much. to me.


the dissertation monster has gone away.



the last post was a while ago. the show at corsica studios went well in the end. i got some good feedback and it was really helpful to just stand and watch how people interacted with the piece without them know it was mine and that i was observing them.

radio 3 came and interviewed some of us at goldsmiths (and another college, which i cant remember) about art education. it is supposed to be going out on the 11th jan at 9ish, i think. it may be interesting to listen to? ive got a few days to work out where radio 3 is on the dial.

cor, dissertations are hard work. i think its the bibliography thats <Pits, The [italics]available from>somewhere in my bookmark folder (i hope): the little ol' footnote comes a close 2nd. nearly over now tho, light at end of tunnel etc. it will be good to concentrate on making again. ive also found that i keep distracting myself from reading/writing by popping to the kitchen to make tea/sandwich and grab a slice of christmas cake, so i will be glad to start running around like a headless chicken again.

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