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tuesday was good. me and others went to see a gallery with a view to exhibiting next year. it was big and cold but a v.interesting space so we left with our mental cogs whirring.

we visited the gagosian gallery to pop in on the richard serra exhibition. wowzer. it is awesome in the awe sense of the word. the glowing colour of tt1 london 2007, the size and the way the bowing circles balance on seemingly not alot, is fascinating. they hover above a sprinkling of their own dust whilst being watched by sharply suited security.

fernando pessoa, 2007-08 stands straight and all tall, the closer you get to it the smaller it seems. the different layers of colour and texture pull you in, and it swaps its boldness for beauty.

open ended 2007-08 is magical, but with proper magic. it is dark, disconcerting and puzzling, it caves in and bows out, it makes you feel dizzy, lost and slightly nauseous, but the best bit is it makes you smile.

rusty metal. mmm…

overheard conversation, "… someone wrote 'wicked' on one of them" "oh my! i bet larry went nuts".

i watched a showing of another student's films when i got back to college and pondered all the way home.

i etched today. etching feels and smells good. what i did didn't quite work, but i think i've worked out what will.