Viewing single post of blog H.F. – The Visual Diary

Here’s Week 4:

I entered the studio with some doubts but still willing to dive deeper into this new territory. I focused on my upper body’ movement and its constant swinging motion. It became a more and more internal process. And my mind exploded with thoughts and images as random as geometrical lines, Jesus on a Cross, the size of the Earth or rivers of blood. My red jumper was an inviting guest and so was Susanne Sundford.?

#dance #performance #solo #creation #improvisation #danse #danza #tanz #rehearsal #freestyle #movement #art #arte #creativeprocess #videodiary #visualjournal #tonnya #french #eucitizen #londoner #danceartist

#dance #performance #solo #creation #improvisation #danse #danza #tanz #rehearsal #freestyle #movement #art #arte #creativeprocess #videodiary #visualjournal #tonnya #french #eucitizen #londoner #danceartist