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after watching valentino rossi’s engine go pop i find my disappointed self needing an outlet again to record some stuff.  it’s the second sunday in a row i find myself in this situation.  last sunday i found myself in a very tired state and wrote stuff that 2 days later decided to edit and republish.  i’ve not done that before.  i still am not sure just how socially acceptable it is to talk publicly about when one feels low, or down or tired or combinations of the above.

the moto gp race today was once again potentially going to be difficult to turn away from.  the early laps proved to be like this until the mechanical malfunction placed the dialogue rapidly into the next paragraph.

making and using what has been made is one of those things that helps define us as  human.  yesterday i had my induction into the workshop at the silk mill in derby.   i’ll be starting there soon as a resident maker within an evolving project.  i’m considering another separate blog about it so it’s all in one place.

i’m interested in resolving my inquisitiveness about mounting some arduino in a 3 legged stool i made from green wood and using the stool as a trigger for an audio idea i have.  this inquisitiveness has been with me for nearly a year now.  this inability to finish projects is something i’ve had since my teens.  it’s synonymous with dsylexia.

i wrote last sunday about an opportunity my partner was presenting me with that would involve me learning a process that would keep me alive while taking part in the opportunity.  a week ago my tired, fatigued self was trying to write and i was writing however what was coming out was personal and emotional and i really do wonder when i write like that if in the cathartic moment that my reader is put in an awkward place that renders them not a reader.  upon reflection it became about wether i wanted to have what i was going through in the public sphere.  upon reflection of the reflection, i could have left it as it was, i don’t need to edit who i am.

i am of course skipping around that orbit  once more.

note to self:  making = doing it

my note to self is for my dsylexic self.  oh too easily that part of myself thinks about something, loves the idea and rather than doing it, continues to think about it and i note that the outcome of this thought progression is a non making outcome.

then over time the idea comes around again and i once again think about doing it and ….. can you see the pattern that it becomes?

this week i had some disappointment.  the skulk of foxes i took with me to the silk mill interview fell into the relm of our puppy.  she has a liking for chewing wood.

it has though given me a photograph i really like.  for me it captures the supportive nature of family.


we were part of the celebrations for a gallery opening in belper.  it was another chance to see the evolving band project moon bullet of artist julian woodcock.



i’ll leave you with a photograph i made and published on my  instagram account.