A fairly quiet day ending with a lovely communal meal and movie watching. I’ve been focusing on reading some of Fryn Tennyson Jesse’s writing today – something I’ve been meaning to do for ages but never seen to find the time. Funny how even important and relevant reading is hard to find time for.   Our movie choice (after convincing by myself that a movie about a bunch of strangers coming to a large house and getting knocked off one by one would be great fun….) was Agatha Christies 1945 film adaptation of ‘And then there were none’.

Thoughts today: how reading for long-time filters through into a narrative into my own head as I then continue my day;  grandmother clocks and grandfather clocks;  true-crime v mystery novels; and witnessing of the repeating un-repeat (my favourite thing); an hour of aubergine cooking; how time is ticking by.