Physiognomy: this term is used to describe a character or personality from an outer appearance. Ontology, another term used to describe the essence of nature and being relating to metaphysics which is the concepts of being and knowing time space and identity. As I’ve previously mentioned as a trained beauty therapist and sports massage therapist, I have a keen interest in the body. While studying the human form its muscles origins and insertions, etc. Names stuck with me like the ‘olecranon process’. The olecranon process is the knobbly bit of the elbow and is the end of the Ulna. A sports massage therapist uses this technique as a pressure point, stopping the blood flow for a few seconds and then releases (lifting up the elbow) to allow the own bodies endorphins to heal the stressed part or area of pain.

Here, I am looking at ‘being’ the human condition, using the body as my subject and as my actual canvas, collecting the indextrical tracing, capturing the stages, as the body will change shape over the years. The ‘Stages of Womanhood’.

More images to come…

#perception #loleithaart

#physiognogmy series


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