Had a great day yesterday in New Ferry Butterifly Park, My Husband came up help with me to Install my Installation.

It was a beautiful day which makes a change the last 3 outside Installation the weather been very bad and very wet..

Having visited the site and researched the park.I told about their struggles with the land owner wanting to build on the land. Carol told me about the brick works that was on the site.

I decided I wanted to build homes for the Insects that already live there. I also wanted to use the bricks and wood from the site.

We went up a few weeks ago collecting and find bricks and logs from the site. This was the most difficult got lots of cuts and sore hands.

Anyway yesterday we went up to make the insect homes. I have research how to make them from the RSPB.


Feb just as pass me by, been writing a report and presentation about my work on Crosby Beach, I do not find writing easy so I will not let myself do any art if I have written work to do as I know I will not do it.

Today I give my presentation so tomorrow I start on my next art project. I just cannot wait feel lost without my practise.Start planning and getting permission again but I love if as I get to do my Installation were I want them.

Went to great talk today from Anders Pleass from Oriel Mostyn, He talk about want their expect from artists who want to exhibit there. How a Gallery is run etc.. As an artist we got to get into Marketing ourselves. Which is easier said than done.

I went away thinking I could do this but may be I am not ready just yet, need to get my professional and business like. But without lossing my soul. Luckly I have realised a long time ago I will not make money from my Art. Which I am happy with as I know I can’t do art of art sake, I am happy to work part-time to fund my work.

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It’s two Days since I done my Installation on the Crosby Beach. i am just about warming up.

It went really well, just rained alday, I am getting us to that now. It as not put me off doing my Work outside thou.

The day as took a lot of planning but was worth doing and as not put me off doing it again.

My family came up and help me, They were Brilliant over 500 bricks was found and collected. They got very wet and cold.so it did not take as long as very said it would,

You forget when you planning the Installation it looks so big, then outside it looks a lot smaller than you think… But I was so pleased with the final finished piece.


I cannot believe were time as gone, been busy with everyday things..

The Exhibition in Pandy Mill was great got lots of great feed back, still have not be to take it down. Was going today put weather would not let me.

Jan postec this photo on Facebook today.

I have got an ART DAY on Crosby Beach in a few weeks, It’s took a lot of organising but it’s here..

I am building a Temporary Installation on the Beach. On the South side of the Beach. the council dumped building rubble from World War Two. Liverpool was bomb very badly so the Council didnot know were to put and the rubble.. Crosby Beach needed sea defences.. So they created a strange enviroment…

The Installation I going to construct is 65 Brick Sandcastle to respect all the soldiers and poeple were lost and homes, factories were bomd.


Yesterday My darling Husband and I went to Pandy Mill Gallery to put my installation. We got very wet but had a laugh which was good.

It did not take us long to do we getting good at it now. My Husband knows want I what so He just gets on with it.

I changed my mind about what I was going to do on the day, When I was doing it I did not feel right I think I was over doing the drawing I was losting the line. So I toned it down. I keep remembering want a Artist said to me a few years ago. I can over do my work and I make it too much like a spiders web, So if It starts over doing it I think of these words.