I had a e-mail on Friday from Airbus they are going to publish the story about my project in their newspaper & on their web-site.And yesterday thier ask if I would like to display it on their Family Day in September.

that so good lots of people going to see it. It was in the local newspaper last week but did not see it myself only found out yesterday.

I still have get it displayed somewhere else as the time nearly over were it is now. I have e-mail quite a few places and now followed up with e-mail that story Airbus are sending to press..

Children off this week so not got much else done, Got to go and take my work down in Llan D.C. Just not sure when I need Roger too help but He is busy with work etc…



I went to the PV on Saturday of the Inside-out Exhibition. It went well but got cold when the sun went down. Diana had ask my Daughter to sing, so that was good and it went down well too.. It good to have all the family there…

I have been busy since doing my college work I have my assessment on Thursday… You forget how long it takes to get all your work ready to put up and making sure it is up to date etc. As I am doing my MA part-time I feel it bit out of the loop, you do not see other students or their work so you cannot measure how much work they done. I know I should not think about that, but I do..

We have to do a 10 min presentation first, which I find difficult… I done a poster presentation, It does help to make you sort out in your mind want I am doing in my Art…. One thing about having these assessment, it gives you space to look at your work and may be you can re-group…

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Put an Installation up today for the Inside-out Exhibition. My Husband came to help me which was great as I do not think I could have done it on my own. The Children did not come they had other things to do… well as soon I said what we were doing today they had friends to hang out with..

My Husband was great to go up the ladders so high. I do get worried when I am putting my work as I do not know how it is going to look like until it is up and finished… I do need to go and see if a few days later to see if it is okay, As I never like it straight away need to go back with fresh eyes.

It was a cold wet and windy day so quite difficult to get the stripes tight enought… As all ways there a bits I am not happy about and others I like… The PV not until Saturday so hope it will stand the weather and children do not cut the stripes..


I have spent a few days this week, writing to different places to see if I can my Airbus Project displayed somewhere else. My childsren are back in school so got more time to get down to work, I have an exhibition come up at the begin of May, So got I to get all my prepartion finished by next weekend. Hoping to put it up Bank Holiday, as I need help and my Husband of work then.. and can help…

I just been back to the village to look at were I am going to put up my installation up.. I also picked up more fabric from Diana who is a star and been ordering it from ebay… Just need to cut it into stripes and sow it into stripes…