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On the 22nd May I began a 3 month full time work contract which marked the start of my first break from making art for 15 years. This was slightly scary (once you stop how do you start again?) but also quite interesting (would the things which seemed so important in my work in May still seem important in September?) Last week the work contract ended and now I’m taking a couple of weeks to catch up with myself.

So, to address the questions:

The three months without art have seen me go through various phases of thinking about the first question, “Once you stop how do you start again?” Does it really matter if I don’t start making art again? Do I want to start making art again? And then, if, making art is unavoidable, inescapable, what sort of art will it be? One thing I feel for sure is that I seem to have sort of “grown out” of some things. Some aspects of my old practice definitely need to be weeded out. My studio and my old working practices seem cluttered; too many strands; not enough focus. So, how do I start again? With a clear out! I do like a good clear out…

So question 2, “Would the things which seemed so important in my work in May still seem important in September?” Often, for me, decision making is more of a process of elimination than of making positive choices. So, obviously the answer to question 2 will become clearer when I’ve completed the task which I’ve set myself in response to question 1. There is one thing I’m sure of and that is, yes, there will still be a central core of something important left when the clear-out is done. I’m feeling quite excited about getting down to that core.

Been catching up with artist friends this week and beginning to feel like me again.

Sold a drawing in my absence. Amazing : )

It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago. Cat bought me a Stone Plant. Also amazing : )