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1. Rudolph Steiner’s “blackboard” drawings which I saw at the Venice Biennale last week which are actually not blackboards, but are in fact chalk on black paper which his assistant used to cover his blackboard before he gave a lecture so that the drawings he made during the lecture could be preserved.

2. My “growing stones” – the question is, am I just trying to make them grow, or am I actually trying to bring them to life?

3. STUFF that’s happening in my shed. There’s actually quite a lot going on that needs my attention. I need to get in here more.

4. My sketchbook/workbook. I need to spend some time with it. **NEXT JOB**

5. My project for Phoenix Brighton – I need to write some stuff about it – a timetable; a plan. And then I need to get started with my research and making some contacts.

I have decided to start working on Saturdays again – I gave it up thinking that I should get more of a life, do more stuff that normal people do at the weekend… but it’s no good, I NEED that extra day.

I have been painting some lovely old paper with blackboard paint – both sides. I had previously used it years ago for some screenprints which are irrelevant now. I like to re-use stuff – it gives it a sort of history and sometimes unexpected things happen. I think I might try making some chalk drawings of my ideas for my bringing-stones-to-life equipment.

I’ve got this THING I started making months ago like a growth on the rafter of my shed roof. I might cut it down and incorporate it into the bringing-stones-to-life installation.

I want to finish my book today. I’m reading Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse 5. It’s very touching, sweet, funny, sad. People “nestle like spoons” in it. I’ve got 16 pages left.

So it goes.