Viewing single post of blog Lost Work – A Year of Waiting

Thank you Franny, Annie, Rob for your supportive comments.

I’m still feeling the loss of the work a lot – yes, it feels very strange when I’m waiting for a bus with no activity to mark that time. I’ve thought about starting the project again with some new activity, but I really want my knitting back! One of the difficulties of making something out of the loss is that the notebook that had all the record of the work was in the bag that was taken. So anything that comes out of it has to do with memory and imagination.

I suppose one interesting (?) aspect of this (although it’s still so recent I’m finding it hard to find it ‘interesting’) is that as a performance artist, I’ve always had a bit of an ambivalent relationship with objects that I make through the knitting performances – since I see the essence of my work as being ephemeral. In a way the vanishing object is I suppose a reflection of that – though not one I would have wanted.

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