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Discovering Malawi.

We had 10 sheets 8×4 plywood delivered to the school!

Some 2×2 and corrugated sheeting and the artist brought some power tools.

We are making a replica school about the size of a garden shed.

In groups of four we cut our boards to size. We had to work outside because we have no room inside.

We measured and cut using a circular saw and a jig saw.

And then we used cordless drills and power screw drivers to fix the boards together.

In lessons we have been writing our own stories based on stories from Malawi.

I was surprised when my friend who hates literacy made a book at home of a story from Malawi.

The artist says that if we all write a story and a make a book for it he will make a book shelf inside the replica school for all the books.

He also says that the drums and the musical instruments we are going to make can have a rack hanging from the ceiling like the ones in kitchens and we can hang our instruments from them as well.

He says he will buy some blackboard paint and make a blackboard inside.

We are going to paint bricks on the outside and stories and landscapes on the inside.

We are making some batik on material to make some curtains.

My teacher says 3 people in my class who can’t write very well have written Malawi stories well above the standards they usually reach.

Next week we will make the other side of the replica school and prime the boards ready for painting with 3 in 1 primer. We may even start making the roof as well.

The artist says that the paints we have are rubbish. He says that blue and yellow make green. But our paints make brown. He says don’t worry about that he will buy some proper paint for us.

We have people in our class with ADHD who keep interrupting and getting up and going off to do stupid stuff.

And I left my gloves out there.