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Day 13 – Chroma 2

These pigments spread across the tile richly, like an oil slick on water. They looked black and unexciting to the eye until they were allowed to spread.

I love this surprise element of making art. I often set something up and leave it reacting overnight. Entering my studio the next day is an eagerly anticipated experience; sometimes a moment of joy when I find the thing I’ve created to be a wondrous thing of beauty; sometimes of moment of puzzlement when I see I’ve made something interesting but am not quite sure what to do with it; and sometimes disappointment when the art I’ve left to form has failed.

I’ve encountered so many kinds of failure when making this experimental work. The glaze may slump off without setting, the colour may be too strong and obscure the image underneath, and I’m losing track of the times the resin has overflowed and glued the artwork to the table or floor. I have small mounds of escaped resin everywhere in my studio! But it’s all a learning curve and wouldn’t be as exciting if there were never any failures. So I learn from my experiences, pick myself up and move on….