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Day 19 – Chroma 5

The colours revealed in Chroma 4 are truly intriguing. What I also found to be intriguing was the way the glaze reacted with the resin as it dried. The colour bubbled up and formed 3 dimensional raised areas on the tile. Why? Who knows! That’s the beauty of experimentation! But I have the process recorded and it appears to be repeatable. I’ll discuss the whys with the polymer chemist when we next meet up.

This is one of the greatest perks of a project focussed on experimentation. I can mix any substance with any other, observe the reactions and see where it takes me. If it works I log the process, take photos and continue, and if not, well it’s back to the drawing board. I can never predict successfully what will happen but the more I work with these substances, the more I’ve been able to refine what I do and achieve results that get me somewhere. I love the surprise element and the creation of unexpected beauty!